lord of song
(and maybe there's a god above

but all i ever learned from love

was how to shoot at someone who outdrew you)

Posted on: Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Posted at: 4:12 PM
(a something before we start. Sorry about that. xD)

:D shoutouts to ma peeps:

I'm keeping my fingers crossed, Shastealer!

Marry me Devil-Dante! And have my babies too! Just bring L along with you.

'Everyone said this small voice won't make a sound, but I'll sing till' my echo comes around.' Where do you get your quotes, Nick??? 8D lovelovelove

You say I can't change nature, I say change is nature. Now I wonder where (;which side;) that came from: Disney or Pixar?

(guess who I'm referring to in each of those. x3 Although the chance that you'll get it right WITHOUT (hinthint) clues is very small.)

Oh, and I'm currently addicted to this certain animation by that awesome Devil. If you're feeling super generous, maybe you can download it and send it to me in a format other that .swf? -puppy eyes- That'd be awesome for you. I'd love you. Really.


D: I bookmark you yet I don't read it. At all. I should.

After seeing cousin Esther's end-year post, I am kinda motivated to do mine. It's a cool idea. What's not so cool is that I always forget things that happened in the past. I have the attention span of a goldfish, which is, fyi, shorter than Dory's.

Excited over entering P5, made new friends and rediscovered old. Got into the school rhythm, a rhythm I loved and love. That's about it.

Remember reminiscing how fast time flew and gaping at it. Spent a few very philosophical moments.

Fweee. This is an example of when I can't remember no stuff.

Nothing much.

I think June comes after this, right?
Made this very blog. Discovered old Disney classics, opened up portals, discovered DN.

School happenings overtook, the Great Migration was revealed.

Saying silent, hidden goodbyes and feeling depressed over what I could do but won't (or so I thought).

New hairdo, A great move, but not so intense an emotion of that. I do bold things, I bought TTP. Discovery (of NZ), (and of him), (and of his secret), and the sedicia part of me starts to show here. (wow, more), My love for L and DN in general intensifies. No surprise, hur hur.

Start Internet, start School, start Comforting, starts Reminiscing, starts AMVs.

I rebel. In a more beautiful way than most. :] I reflect on suicide, I hold the notion of La Vie Boheme with hands held high, and I ponder that topic I keep pondering.

I get stung by a bee, and I realize that stings in life hurt a lot worse than it. I also realize that this may not have been a revolutionary year for me, but because of that I have a new goal (and NY resolution):

To make every following year the best of my life. ღ

Happy New Year, everyone.

Posted on:
Posted at: 11:43 AM

Youtube Comment:

Animefreak48312 (1 week ago)
Do you know L has 3 identities? hes formerly known as Chuck Norris and when Chuck Norris puts on jeans and plain white shirt he turns into L and when he puts on a helmet he's Captain Falcon. You gotta know these things :P

lol! So true! xD

Posted on: Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Posted at: 5:18 PM
Hedley! :D

It's peeps like Devil who make all the shit associated with it mean nothing.

Posted on:
Posted at: 1:00 PM
xD I am so stupid.

I fell for some dumbass, cheap Neopets scam.

I'd really rather not go into details.

After my customary 'feel good' session where all those happy hormones go into action, I feel much better. I'll start on the new year again, a fresh start, a new start, and I'll stick to it this time.

I don't know which way I should turn
I'm too afraid of getting burned
When all the wells have come up dry
It's hard to take another try

But I pick myself up of the floor
And tried my best just like I did before
Just say yes... just say yes


Posted on: Sunday, December 28, 2008
Posted at: 9:54 PM

'Nuff said.

so cute, isn't it? ^^
I love the last verse, 'he kneels to the ground and takes out a ring: Marry me Juliet, you'll never have to be alone.

I love you and that's all I really know.'

The one sappy song I don't mind. Also one of the sappy songs I hated and loved within a minute. Taylor Swift, you bloody genius.

PS/ Ratatouille + On my Own (Hedley) ^^ I would use the song from 3DG, but it's too lighthearted for such a film, lol.

i need to get this off my chest
Posted on:
Posted at: 1:30 PM
"Look, just because I went with his trolley doesn't mean I'm taking sides.

If you want your parents to stay together, you don't take sides.

Look, if you don't want me to say this, just say 'Go away please, I don't feel like listening'. You can even cut out the please, I don't mind. I just want to help, share what I know, (and only what I know, I'm no expert but still). And the least you could do to a person with good intent is not yell at them. Please.

If you want to talk, I suggest you do it with a clear head. Otherwise, disaster.

And if you find each other interrupting speech all the time, do it via e-mail. It makes no difference, as long as you get closure.

Don't show your anger, no matter how strong the urge. You can say, 'Look, I'm really pissed OK,' but don't yell. That'll just become a yelling match and yelling matches are like war - they never solve anything.

Didn't we come here for a reason? To escape the rubbishness of the old country yes, but also, don't we all want a new start? While it's great to leave the past in the past recurring problems may come up and while you want to solve them, isn't it better to have that intention rather than the intention to make your partner hurt as worse as you did?

Contrary to popular belief, doing what's best for you may not be what's best for your offspring. If the bad outweighs the good you can still ditch it, but once you have a kid it's my humble opinion that you must stick with it, you have no other choice. Oh wait; you do have a choice - but one that will probably end up with one or more unhappy party. In this case, that party would be me.

You recall all the crap he did to you, and he does the same. What's the first step? Apologize. Atrocious it may seem but everything comes out better after the two simple words: 'I'm sorry.'

Of course it isn't simple. But since when was love simple? Love is sacrifice, this time you sacrifice your pride (which is, by the way, a very small thing). 'I'm sorry if I ever offended or hurt you.' Even if you didn't know what you did to hurt him/her. Even if you knew but she/he deserved it. Even if you thought what you did wasn't offensive. (Even if, the list goes on, same rule applies, no exceptions, not unless you're a different species)

Step three, 'I'm sorry if I ever offended or hurt you, but.' You can always state your case.

And lastly.

Saying sorry, as some people think, is a sign of weakness. I'm sure you're better than that, but you might still harbour some doubts so I will say this:

Saying sorry is the greatest thing you can say to your partner, other than 'I (still) love you.' "


should i send this to mum and papa?

hell no! i am not joking on this, i want your opinion, i demand your opinion, now. fuck you.

also i demand your forgiveness because right now i feel completely fucked up:


so take it that any language and wrongdoing toward you in this time of grieving is null and void.

OK back to normal mood. Or at least I'm trying to sound like it.
isn't it ironic that I just discovered this song yesterday? Hey, thanks.

Preferably wanted a meaningful video but just the picture for you guys, easy loading.

Posted on: Saturday, December 27, 2008
Posted at: 5:34 PM
"Eh Papa, how much bandwidth do we have left?"

"Last I checked it was seven...Gigabytes. That was two days ago. Why?"

"Oh I just wanted to see if we had enough because if we didn't I'd wait until next month...Wanna do something big."

"Yeah, what?"

"Download a file."

"How big?"

"Um," I said, somewhat uncomfortable by now, "1 Gig."

"One gig!"

"That's about the size of one of your TopGear episodes what!"

"Oh fine that's OK. Go ahead download."

Guess what.

that is why my MSN personal message now reads, "GOD BLESS YOU SHASTEALER2!"

(boy would dad blow his top when he found out he wasted 2 gig. Fuck. I shall give it to someone maybeee.)

Lion King Download

OK first thing I'mma say:

You are INCREDIBLY generous.


Saving for later the question of 'WHERE DID YOU GET SUCH A GOOD QUALITY FILE,' I would like to say, can I have the link please? Also, if you should find the time to answer, what format is the file?

Dude, I really can't think of a better way to thank your supporters. Seriously. I will worship the ground you walk on.

Oh, wait. I already do. -bows-




Hey there Keyinei,

Well let me just say thank you. You're one of little who haven't just simply said

'Hey Shastealer, Link please, k thx.'

The file is in AVI so it should be fine for all editing programs.


You may need to upload the link in www.yaxm.com to be able to 'Save Target As'

Either way, enjoy your movie, any problems feel free to contact me.

Merry Christmas to you!



No wonder I stay in the business.


Also, got re-hooked onto Felidae! I am loving the movie once more, starting to dream up ideas of a comic adaption once more. I mean, a few tweaks would have to be made (Francis' personality is as crumbly as cheese), and yeah, but, I SHALL PESERVERE!

for all you fellas, want it or not. Limited time only!

Posted on: Friday, December 26, 2008
Posted at: 5:23 PM
totally random and spazzy title, because in this post apparently there is a lot to be spazzy and random about! :D

er, actually, no.


Couple seconds ago I totally rewrote my 'Had Enough' file. Fucking good thing I saved a copy. but now some bits are blacked out, fuckity fuckity fuck.

-waits for happiness to come back-

you see, this is what makes me so fucking awesome. When shit happens my innermost mechanism spews up positive stuff, makes me feel better. Actually the bright side of this unforeseen rewriting is that any source file probs I might've had are now GONNNNEEEE.

(But just so I can't be accused of repressing my anger: MOTHERFUCK AH FUCK AH FUCKAFUCKAFUCKENFUCK.) C:

In any case I will quit with the AMV making for a while now, I must go on to talk about other stuff.

If all goes as planned, this post will be supremely long. Possibly and probably the longest yet.

The plan is to talk about four subjects, which have rosen over the past few days. And apprently the past few days have not been recorded in my blog, sooo...

Since I will most likely forget these topics I have written them down as below, in bulletpoints.

① Christmas

② Youtube

③ Neo

④ Kyle

Er yes.

Christmas day, went to acquaintance's house to, y'know, be MERRY and stuff. They own a olive plantation, with a incredibly big chunk of land. Big dog called Jet, I pet him. :]

Uncle Kim Hock urged me to play piano, so I did. A bit. Realized there was a shoik piano teacher around too. Nice man. Reminded me that Esther could also prolly teach now. xD

Later on Uncle Kim Hock told a joke, which was then told to my parents who both loved it, like me.

I've told it to Ds too...

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:
ok so you know how Singapore keeps ushering expatriates now right

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:
got this angmor working for an SGer

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:
He asks boss,

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:
'Boss, can go overseas for courses?'

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:
'Go ahead,' the boss says. So he goes. When boss gets bill, he's furious

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:
calls him in to scold him

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:
Employee protests,' but boss, you said go ahead!'


Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:

and Ds goes all 'lawl!'

Mom and I talked, because there was nothing else to do. Talked about the guy sitting across the room from us, a young lean guy called Sam (lol, hello Samuel incarnate), and mom said. 'Maybe he's lonely. I heard he's artistic and musical. Like you, haha.'

OK, I knew he was handsome and shuai before, but now hearing that my attraction went bumpity up.

Later I wanted to stand up because it was time to go. I lifted myself off the chair and then kinda stumbled/slipped and I was, erk! and Sam was above me. Glanced at him semiconsciously. No reaction, then a PRICELESS smile man.



Motherfuck? Why is it that brain-meltingly effects seem to be the winning formula for fame? What happened to videos with few effects, but loads of emotion?

Of course you have to look at grumpygrim and neravaira to see that this is possible, but why is it not happening to me? AMV editors that started a week ago have over a hundred subscribers under their belt, but not me, the hard worker from 6 months ago?

What is wrong with this picture?


Yes, I am fully and completely back on Neopets!
Actually what saddens me is that a user I noticed before seems to have died now. Suicide or murder, I honestly don't know. All I know is that she used to have great drawings, a black Zafara, a knave for an Ixi, and a spotted Gelert who's petpage hosts the Old Neopets petition. Oh and a sharpshooting Kyrii. I'm sorry she's gone.

I'm staying because I just can't depart with a site I've spent so long on. ): Even though it's fallen so far already.

OK, so a while ago I took to reading the CHERUB series right? It turns out that Kyle is not a failure at attracting woman, he's gay.



I'm seriously not joking here. When I read that I was all, zomg.

Now I really think Kyle is my favorite character.

The way the agents handled it was incredibly non-judgemental. I adore it. And I adore the author for putting in some lessons in his series.

I will be gunning for Kyle now, hoping he will get a boy. ;D

(zomg actually this isn't the longest post methinks. Not even close. But it killed my hands so ya.)

Posted on: Sunday, December 21, 2008
Posted at: 12:59 PM
The holidays have begun!

And to celebrate this, I have loads of things planned:



Nah, I think I'll just spend this season making AMVs and drawing. My ideas of pleasure. :)


Wanna quit and give up
Simon says to pack it up
Shot down from all sides
Don't know why I try
So take this and kiss it
Goodbye won't miss it
I wanna go back to L.A.
I don't belong that's what they say

They said don't try to change the world
You're just a girl
So it's..me against the world today
I'm gonna do it my own way
And though nobody understands
I'm gonna make a one girl stand
It's not Independence Day
I can't waste time on what they say
If we believe when we have faith
We're gonna change the world someday

Back again one more time
Couldn't keep me down last time
Leaving what I know on faith
To take on the world and make waves
Still standing defiant
Maybe me against the giants
L.A. wasn't built in a day
Games going long but I still play

If we believe, when we have faith
We're gonna change the world someday


Well she never was the best
Yeah at following the trends
Stayed one step above the rest
And even though it seemed

Like the world was crashing on her
Didn't let it hold her down
Didn't hold her back oh no

Don't worry you'll show them

There's a fire in your eyes
And I hope you'll let it burn
There's a scream in your voice
And I hope you will be heard
There's a fire in your eyes
And I hope you'll let it burn
Until you're heard, you're heard

Seventeen is just a test
Yeah and I would recommend
That you live with no regrets
And even if it seems

Like the world is crashing on you
You shouldn't let it hold you down
Shouldn't hold you back oh no, woah oh

Don't worry you'll show them

Relax girl, turn down the lights
No one can see you shining
Relax girl, it'll be alright
No one can stop you if you try

Point of rhythm is to follow it in time
To listen to the beating in your mind
Remember if you seek then you shall find
Woah oh

...until you're heard...

falalalalalalala, tis' the season to REMINISCE! -oncemore-

this was a request I did for Nicholas, a portrayal of his character Kael in his wedding attire, a Christmas gift. xD Just wanted to get that out of the way before we delve into the photos of yesteryear.

xD OK SORRY SORRY. I couldn't resist. Now, on with teh REAL reminiscing! x3

my birthday last year...When Faith was still around. I invited Rino for the heck of it xD

To the class of 2007's 4B - YOU GUYS R THE TRUE CHAMPIONS!!!1oneoeskh!!!!!

the good old days. I loved the SYFs. :]

No, old friend, I haven't forgotten about you.

And I still love you.

Posted on: Friday, December 19, 2008
Posted at: 12:57 PM
Note to self: Lost jacket, must retrieve when hols end.

'Let me tell you something, Tristan - from father to son. So you don't fit in with the popular crowd. I for one think that this is a very good omen indeed.'




Anywho, I decided that whoever wants to can read my blog. Why? Because I don't care what you think about me afterwards.

Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.




Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering.
There is a crack in everything,
That's how the light gets in.

- Leonard Cohen


Posted on: Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Posted at: 8:35 PM
If anything, this blog is a great place to store the conversations I have with Risa. Although they are spread far and few in between, they are like precious jewels when I stumble upon them.


Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:


lrisa says:

lrisa says:
who's you avoiding, neh?

lrisa says:

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:
actually, Nicholas

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:
but that's no use, since he won't talk to me anyway

lrisa says:

declared his dying love for you yet?

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:
he called me a bitch and is using silent treatment for about 2-3 weeks.

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:
not yet. not ever.

lrisa says:

lrisa says:

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:
Becuz he's TAKEN BOO HOO

lrisa says:
he's jealous

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:

lrisa says:

lrisa says:

lrisa says:
you were talking to him about yer new fling neh?

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:
Becuz he's TAKEN BOO HOO

lrisa says:
by who?

lrisa says:
Daniel, or whatshisname?

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:
he's not talking to me, because I kinda babbled a secret of his

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:
I don't know why; I'm usually good at keeping my mouth shut. ): Oh noes.

§[FlỹỉnģDЯãgÔnڿ]§ sent 11/13/2008 8:07 PM:

§[FlỹỉnģDЯãgÔnڿ]§ sent 11/13/2008 8:07 PM:
who/what did you tell neh?

§[FlỹỉnģDЯãgÔnڿ]§ sent 11/13/2008 8:07 PM:
his crush on another guy?

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:
wait wait wait

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:
you know about that?!

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:
I told my friend

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:
who was actually, IS actually, a relief teacher

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:
now in the army

lrisa says:

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:
xD ?

lrisa says:
you told him about nicholas being possibly gay?

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:
how do you know about that?! o.o

lrisa says:
i have my ways. >D

lrisa says:
i'm a pro-stalker, neh

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:

lrisa says:
i remember things that matter

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:
-gosh if he finds out hes gonna keel me-

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:

lrisa says:

lrisa says:
i don't talk to him, anyway

lrisa says:
still sore about the art-theft thing

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:
he's still sore about it too

lrisa says:
his fault, his loss

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:
few days after the 'incident', he kept pestering me to apologize to you on his behalf

lrisa says:

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:
bloody pathetic man

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:
also rather cute haha

lrisa says:

lrisa says:
i'm still kinda flattered, though

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:
xD you laughing with him or at him

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:
flattered lol?!?!?!?!

lrisa says:
maybe he thinks i'm a hottie.

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:

lrisa says:

lrisa says:

lrisa says:
what has to world come to. D:

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:
no la, it's just...He really is a little angel so he feels bad about being blamed for SINNING ZOMG

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:

lrisa says:

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:
I snorted snot through my nose

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:
its all ur fault xD

lrisa says:
that emoticon still makes the smiely looks

lrisa says:
as if it had a bad haircut

(( The smiley she's talking about is THIS; xD Retarded looking right ))

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:
first time I saw it, I thought, 'wow, gold earmuffs'

lrisa says:

lrisa says:

lrisa says:
i was like, "BAD PERM FTW."

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:
or, 'a really bad hat to cover up a baldy head'

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:
xD Laughing too much - not good for a sick person

lrisa says:

lrisa says:
you'll grow abs xD

lrisa says:
i swear, since i entered secondary school

lrisa says:
i haven't laughed so much xD

lrisa says:

lrisa says:
i mean

lrisa says:
my secondary school rocks. 8D

lrisa says:
in the two years, i have laughed more

lrisa says:
than the six years of my primary school life

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:
holey sheet?

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:
how come?

lrisa says:
i met the greatest bunch of pals. :'D

lrisa says:
anyway, to stop the mushiness

lrisa says:
what did you tell the relief teacher neh?

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:
oei, am I included?

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:
the secret thingy.

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:
Um, best first tell me: DID I TELL YOU ABOUT IT?! o.o

lrisa says:

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:

The thing about Nicholas.

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:
:B why do you always poof?

lrisa says:
what Thing?

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:
the THING. You know....


Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:

lrisa says:
I'mma Poof. it's my job. xD

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:
I don't recall telling you anyhow

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:

What's poof? o.o

lrisa says:

lrisa says:

lrisa says:

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:

lrisa says:

lrisa says:

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:
OMG!! NOWAII!1!!one

lrisa says:

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:
no srslyyyy.

Oh but I wonder if I should tell you. It's not as if he'd know anyway, plus you never talk to him.

Hm, spill the beans or keep my conscience.

Beans, conscience. Beans, conscience...Hmmm...

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:

lrisa says:
beans plz. D:

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:

lrisa says:
i won't tell him

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:

lrisa says:

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:
you wouldn't DARE

lrisa says:
"Hey, psst, Nicholas."

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:

lrisa says:
"Christie's liek, a huge biatch."

lrisa says:
"I mean, liek, she totally spillz your beanz!!!!!"

lrisa says:
"liek omfg, you had shex with a man? LIKE NO WAI OMFG. "

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:
?! xD

lrisa says:
"Was it, liek, buttsex?"

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:

I'm getting the impression that you already know
lrisa says:
the sex thing?

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:
I mean...

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:
on second thought I don't think I wanna tell.

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:
just thinking about it makes me feel...SOBER. AHHH I HATE THAT FEELING.

lrisa says:
why? D:

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:

lrisa says:
he's truly gay?

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:
it's dark and it's deep and it's SECRET

lrisa says:

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:

lrisa says:

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:


lrisa says:

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:

lrisa says:

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:


lrisa says:

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:
Did I really?

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:
-puts on best serious face-


lrisa says:

lrisa says:

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:
I mean, I told you?

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:
dafljdskljf OEI

lrisa says:

lrisa says:

lrisa says:

lrisa says:

either way, you has confirmed it

lrisa says:

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:


Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:
well, technically I have CONFIRMED but I have not told

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:
I AM ->
Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:

lrisa says:

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:

lrisa says:

lrisa says:

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:

lrisa says:

lrisa says:

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:

lrisa says:

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:

lrisa says:

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:

lrisa says:

lrisa says:

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:
Oh man I think that white wine got to me xDD

lrisa says:

lrisa says:
i think the beer got to me Dx

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:
I can't remember when I laughed this hard

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:
I think my facial muscles are gonna go pop

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:
pity, I gtg now

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:

lrisa says:


Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:
come online soon OK? So's I can attack you with the POWER THAT IS THE GODDESS OF BAD PERMS

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:
anyway bb

lrisa says:

lrisa says:

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:
THIS ISN'T THE LAST OF ME -vanishes in a clowd of purple smoke-

lrisa says:

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:
Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:

Chris; [ Why should I worry? ] says:

Posted on: Saturday, December 13, 2008
Posted at: 3:55 PM

The last clip almost got me teary eyed, and now that I think about it, that AMV is brilliant.


Is finally going to change blogskin. (I never liked it that much anyway), so yes. One I have is awesome but eye-killingly bright yellow, the other...Em...I'll let you see for yourself ^^

;turning the tables-

Zomg, homophobia is so gay rite. ttly. -shuns-

ends on a funny note because she's awesome like that.

Posted on: Friday, December 12, 2008
Posted at: 9:54 PM
I wanted to put this as a footnote, but hell, this is family.

Zomg, Esther, you're sixteen now? I knew we were never really close, but you're family, and I luffles you all the same, and if it weren't for the imeem I would read your blog on a daily basis but I digress,

and I hope you are having fun with Ryan, and yes, I know about that, I think about it, family's a weird thing, but all the same,

I luffles joo.

Happy beginning of your 16th year.

Hey you
I know I'm in the wrong
Time flies
When you're having fun
You wake up
Another year is gone
You're sixteen

I guess you wanna know
Why I'm on the phone
It's been a day or so
I know it's kind of late
But Happy Birthday

Yeah yeah whoa
I know you hate me
Yeah yeah whoa
Well I miss you, too
Yeah yeah I know
I know it's kinda late
But Happy Birthday

So hard
When you're far away
It's lame but I forgot the date
I won't make the same mistake
I'm so to blame

So now you know
Don't hang up the phone
I wish I was at home
I know it's way too late
But Happy Birthday

Posted on:
Posted at: 9:26 PM

Funny. xD

1. Thank you. We're all refreshed and challenged by your unique point of view.
2. The fact that no one understands you doesn't mean you're an artist.
3. I don't know what your problem is, but I'll bet it's hard to pronounce.
4. Any connection between your reality and mine is purely coincidental.
5. I have plenty of talent and vision. I just don't care.
6. I like you. You remind me of when I was young and stupid.
7. What am I? Flypaper for freaks !?
8. I'm not being rude. You're just insignificant.
9. I'm already visualizing the duct tape over your mouth.
10. I will always cherish the initial misconceptions I had about you.
11. It's a thankless job, but I've got a lot of Karma to burn off.
12. Yes, I am an agent of Satan, but my duties are largely ceremonial.
13. No, my powers can only be used for good.
14. How about never? Is never good for you ?
15. I'm really easy to get along with once you people learn to worship me.
16. You sound reasonable... Time to up my medication.
17. I'll try being nicer if you'll try being smarter.
18. I'm out of my mind, but feel free to leave a message...
19. I don't work here. I'm a consultant.
20. Who me? I just wander from room to room.
21. My toys! My toys! I can't do this job without my toys!
22. It might look like I'm doing nothing, but at the cellular level I'm really quite busy.
23. At least I have a positive attitude about my destructive habits.
24. You are validating my inherent mistrust of strangers.
25. I see you've set aside this special time to humiliate yourself in public.
26. Someday, we'll look back on this, laugh nervously and change the subject.


Lie to Me - Bambi & The Great Prince [12 Stones]

Hmm they sound like 3DG.


Anthem for the Underdog - Balto

When I heard the title I immediately thought 'Balto'. xD

And one more.
Bring me to Life - Simba [Evanescence]

Hey, bandwagons are made to be jumped on D: <
EmotasticElasticx (5 hours ago) Show Hide
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Why is it necessary to hate on others all the time? To you people who feel the need to swear at and bash each other because of sexuality and personal style I have one thing to say: Grow up. Honestly. On another note, Amy Lee is incredibly talented, beautiful and such an inspiration. By far my favorite Female artist, Evanescence is one of my favorite bands, regardless of the "genre".

Keyinei (1 minute ago) Show Hide
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Dear EmotasticElasticx -

Kudos. I have nothing to add to what you've very well put.


blablahblah -

Oh yes!

Watching this Korean drama. I think it's called 'Bad Family', oh but wtfever I don't really care.


(Taken from website: 'Hobbies: Writing fairytales, computers and reading.'

-sobs with joy- )

The brother, Kong Ming in the show (real name: 김희철 because I'm obsessed with all things Korean), he's so cute , I'm in love with him, I'm going off now to fantasize that he and Fabian (who is HOT not CUTE, they are so different but so damn lovely put together) are having a relationship...
... Of the steamy kind.


Posted on: Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Posted at: 7:37 PM
Homophobic pride? Wow, hate for DIVERSITY and DIFFERENCE and EQUALITY... That's new, guys, really new. You're going to have to work hard to make that statement equate into the factor of LOGIC.

New fandoms! These are the 3 songs I am currently obsessed with, newest at the bottom.

Vindicated - Dashboard Confessional

Anything but Ordinary - Avril Lavigne (no, the old Avril, silly)

World So Cold - 12 Stones

I love the muffled/muted sorta effect they put in the first/last verses of World So Cold. It just sounds so insistently sexy.
And the message is bloody well said too.

It starts with pain, followed by hate.

Fuelled by the endless questions that no-one can answer.

A stain covers your heart, tearing you apart like a sleeping cancer...

What kind of world do we live in?

Where love is divided by hate. Losing control of our feelings, we all must be dreaming this life away... In a world so cold.

And then it switches to a normal, non-muffled voice, and it's just so BREATHTAKING.


Dashboard Confessional has produced a work of art here. A masterpiece.

It's written in the same fairytale language I use to write my blog, the same language I described to Lucifer the other night (who I btw added back into my allowed readers list), it's like...

We both attempt to translate feelings into words, and while I think I fail miserably, they do so with such finesse that it's impossible for them to fail.

This song, I think, would fit Kaldewei.

Hope dangles on a string
Like slow spinning redemption
Winding in, winding out
The shine of it has caught my eye

And roped me in
So mesmerizing
So hypnotizing
I am captivated
I am

I am selfish, I am wrong
I am right, I swear I'm right
Swear I knew it all along
And I am
But I am cleaning up so well
I am seeing in me now
The things you swore you saw yourself

So clear
Like the diamond in your ring
Cut to mirror your intention
Oversized and overwhelmed
The shine of which has caught my eye
And rendered me so
Isolated so
I am
Certain now that I am


So turn
up the corners of your lips
Part them and feel my finger tips
Trace the moment for forever

Defense is paper thin
One touch and I'll be in
Deep now to ever swim
Against the current
So let me slip away
So let me slip away
So let me slip away
So let me slip against the current
So let me slip away
So let me slip away
So let me slip away
So let me slip away


My hope
dangles on a string
Like slow spinning redemption...


Anyway this Christmas season seems to be full of interesting surprises.

Last night, dinner table.

"OK so Christie, I'm dead serious about this, me and your mother have decided to set up a company..."

I hid my surprise well, I think. Anyway Papa proposed setting up a non-official company for catering to other companies, proof-reading stuff like that, I can be the Grapics Designer and design pamphlets etc. We had loads of fun talking about it after that, I was excited/nervous/happy. I can't remember most of the jokes I cracked (what a pity), but I remember sighing in mock exasperation and saying, 'I suppose a bitchy attitude isn't a winning formula for a promotion, is it?'

xD I love my lifeeeee.

Rather be anything than ordinary, please.

Posted on: Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Posted at: 4:49 PM
acquired taste,

Some things I haven't grown to love and hopefully never will >.<

But some things...

I heard this song, and didn't much like it.

Now, though... ♥!!!

Sometimes I get so weird
I even freak myself out
I laugh myself to sleep
It's my lullaby
Sometimes I drive so fast
Just to feel the danger
I wanna scream
It makes me feel alive

Is it enough to love?
Is it enough to breathe?
Somebody rip my heart out
And leave me here to bleed
Is it enough to die?
Somebody save my life
I'd rather be anything but ordinary please

To walk within the lines
Would make my life so boring
I want to know that I
Have been to the extreme
So knock me off my feet
Come on now give it to me
Anything to make me feel alive

Is it enough to love?
Is it enough to breathe?
Somebody rip my heart out
And leave me here to bleed
Is it enough to die?
Somebody save my life
I'd rather be anything but ordinary please.
I'd rather be anything but ordinary please.

Let down your defences
Use no common sense
If you look you will see
that this world is a beautiful
accident, turibulent, succulent
opulent permanent, no way
I wanna taste it
Don't wanna waste it away

Sometimes I get so weird
I even freak myself out
I laugh myself to sleep
It's my lullaby

Is it enough?
Is it enough?
Is it enough to breathe?
Somebody rip my heart out
And leave me here to bleed
Is it enough to die?
Somebody save my life
I'd rather be anything but ordinary please

Is it enough?
Is it enough to die?
Somebody save my life
I'd rather be anything but ordinary please.
I'd rather be anything but ordinary please.

Not crazy on one of the verses, but the rest...It's just freaking amazing OK.

This is disgraceful. You are all going to hell if you don't pray for forgiveness right now.

If I had a pound for every time I heard that line... xD I'm still alive, people! W00t.

Wow. I didn't know so many people supported gays. This leads me to the conclusion that you all are going to hell.

That leads me to the conclusion that hell and heaven are one in the same.

Posted on: Saturday, December 6, 2008
Posted at: 4:42 PM
Let's all learn the difference between Tony Hawk and Hawk Nelson!

When we were younger we used to sit on my porch
And talk smack about girls and professional sports
There's a lot of things I wanted to say
But never got a chance to find a way

(One) take a good look at all of your high schools
this is the first reason that I want to write you
it must be tough when society is messed up
Gotta save money, please don't take it out on us

Do they even know? Do they even know?

If I was brave I'd write a letter to the president
And have him pass it to the leaders of our parliament
But for now I won't say nothing
From all the kids who would stand in my residence
Who see this letter as a statement of our innocence
But for now I won't say nothing

Now that we're older a brand new story unfolds
About God and the laws that we've always been told
And there's a lot of things I wanted to say
But never got a chance to find a way

Same-sex marriage in a state where they don't care
Murder is wrong but the jail time's not fair
Not to mention date rape, felony and car theft
Break it down and tell me what we've got left

Do they even know? Do they even know?

If I was brave I'd write a letter to the president
And have him pass it to the leaders of our parliament
But for now I won't say nothing
From all the kids who would stand in my residence
Who see this letter as a statement of our innocence
As for now I'll start with something

Take a good look at Tommy, he's a track star
Good role model, had a chance to go real far
Then the school made a budget-cut
Cut out the track team
Now instead Tommy is a crack head

Same-sex marriage in a state where they don't care
Murder is wrong but the jail time's not fair
Not to mention date rape, felony, and car theft
Break it down and tell me what we've got left

If I was brave I'd write a letter to the president
And have him pass it to the leaders of our parliament
But for now I won't say nothing
From all the kids who would stand in my residence
Who see this letter as a statement of our innocence
As for now I'll start with something

There's a lot of things I wanted to say -?


Posted on: Friday, December 5, 2008
Posted at: 5:50 PM
Nick, look. So many songs are out there, ready to make you feel better.

Maybe it's time you listen to them.

let it go,
let it roll right off your shoulder
don't you know
the hardest part is over
let it in,
let your clarity define you
in the end
we will only just remember how it feels

our lives are made
in these small hours
these little wonders,
these twists & turns of fate
time falls away,
but these small hours,
these small hours still remain

let it slide,
let your troubles fall behind you
let it shine
until you feel it all around you
and i don't mind
if it's me you need to turn to
we?ll get by,
it's the heart that really matters in the end

our lives are made
in these small hours
these little wonders,
these twists & turns of fate
time falls away,
but these small hours,
these small hours still remain

all of my regret
will wash away some how
but i can not forget
the way i feel right now

in these small hours
these little wonders
these twists & turns of fate
these twists & turns of fate
time falls away but these small hours
these small hours, still remain,
still remain
these little wonders
these twists & turns of fate
time falls away
but these small hours
these little wonders still remain

Posted on:
Posted at: 4:05 PM
): Sometimes I hate aspects of myself.

Like when a completely AMAZING thing happens and when I get home I forget all about it and manage to push it to one side of my brain.

But no. Not this time. This time, so help me I WILL blog about it.


Today we went to watch quite a few Syndicates debating in the hall. They were pretty boring motions ('To give is better than to receive', 'participating is better than winning'). The last one was, 'online dating is the future'.

So on the opposition (they called it the negative team lolwtf), there was this (rather cute) guy named Josh, he was the first speaker.

Oh my Lord I was blown away by what he said.

'Hi, my name is Josh and I will talk to you about how many online dating sites discriminate. Many such dating sites, mostly the Christian ones, discriminate against gays and lesbians.'

I was immediately listening with such attention one would think I was being handed the secrets of the universe orally and not allowed to take it down on paper. Of course, I can't remember all of what he said, but it went something along the lines of, 'and what about bisexuals? What do they put, gay or not?' 'And then what about transgenders?' 'Dating sites discriminate. Why not just pick free love, instead?'

God, please please please bless this gifted soul.

To be able to stand up and say that is one of the greatest feats in the world. You may not think so, and if you do not think so, I don't give a damn. That Josh deserves a medal. Whether or not what he's said is relevant or not, I don't care, the fact that he could say it is amazing. (Strangely, not too many of the spectators were surprised. The teachers weren't overly shocked; I think in Singapore this statement would've granted a much more outraged audience, pah.)


God bless you, Josh!

Posted on: Thursday, December 4, 2008
Posted at: 8:34 PM


Oh my God, thank you! And thank you, Papa!

Sometimes I wonder if I feel waaay too much happiness when receiving presents. But why not? They are lovely presents.

Just when I decided that I could do without a tablet (for now), I get it. Seems like Andrew Matthews is right again - detach and ye shall receive.

But enough of that right now. Right now, I'm going to offer up to the universe a fervent prayer of thanks.

First in English.

Then in the form of love.

And then in English again, cuz I don't know Sanskrit.

-& ample thanks for all the blessings You've given me in my life-

In any case, I have more to thank for than just this tablet. I found my pencilbox, and I also found another piece of the puzzle that is my life. This piece isn't very big or remarkable in any way, but it is...Just normal. Just something that isn't outstanding, but isn't dirt either. And in this way, it is average to the point that it is not-average, that it is unique and loved.

Also making a Lion King 2 AMV, to this song, care to guess what it is?

We are all the same
Human in all our ways and all our pain
(So let it be)
There's a love that could fall down like rain
(Let us see)
Let forgiveness wash away the pain
(What we need)
And no one really knows what they are searching for
(We believe)
This world is crying for so much more

We believe
We believe
We believe
We believe
We believe
We believe
In this love